
  • About me

    Restorative | Deliberative | Futuristic | Significance | Individualization


    I was born and raised in Iraq before immigrating to the U.S. and living in Portland, OR in 2010 at the age of 14. Since moving to the U.S., I have dedicated my energy to developing myself academically and challenging myself to reach beyond the boundaries of my comfort zone. I have found a passion for education and a home in the higher education environment with fellow students. I earned my B.S. from Portland State University in Management and Leadership and HR Management while working in various functional areas within student affairs. Following that, I completed my Master's in Education at Oregon State University's College Student Services Administration. After gaining experience in student affairs and student leadership development at Willamette University, I came to Reed College to advise STEM and pre-health students on post-bacc plans.


    I'm continuing my education at Pacific University's Ph.D in Education and Leadership (PhDEL). I aspire to create inclusive and intentional spaces for BIPOC and historically marginalized students, which is why I'm using my time in the PhDEL program to create scholarship that will influence policy changes and create opportunities for student belonging in higher education. In addition to creating programs that enable students to access professional opportunities, my experience at Reed College also involved creating programs and curricula that focused on social justice education, leadership development, and community engagement.

    Outside of Reed College, I have been serving as the Oregon State Chair for the ACE Women's Network, the Gender Advocacy and Inclusion Network in Higher Ed, creating educational opportunities for higher education professionals that center DEI practices.